Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Academic Integrity Types Of Academic Dishonesty And...
Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Chetan Muppaneni Webster University Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Abstract This paper discusses the different types of academic dishonesty and the prevention measures that are taken to maintain academic integrity. The need of following the codes/rules of the institutions and to promote the academic integrity is mainly on the students and the faculty. The paper discusses in-depth about how the academic dishonesty can be done as in the different approaches by the students in breaking the rules and doing unethical things. It tells about my personal incident with academic integrity, how it happened and what measures will I take to maintain academic integrity in the future. Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Introduction Institutions always want to maintain academic integrity among their students and educate the students to gain knowledge and enrich themselves in their career. Most institutions consider academic integrity as a mission to accomplish to maintain the standards of the university. Nowadays, academic dishonesty is being easily done in institutions through various methods, which has become a problem for the universities. Maintaining academic honesty too has become a big task for the institutions leading them in implementing different methods to stop the act. Students, Faculty shouldShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism : What Is Plagiarism?1583 Words  | 7 Pagesenvironmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal act and institutional regulations. And universities, schools, and instructors do not only need to decrease plagiarism, but they must also affect positively on stud ents writings, increase the understanding of how to use digital technology to facilitate their academic writing. Where plagiarism can be included? †¢ In written assignmentRead MorePlagiarism And Academic Dishonesty Prevention Over Detection And Punishment1614 Words  | 7 PagesProblem 8: Please speculate on why we decided to make a problem set on academic honesty. I feel this problem set was designed to target plagiarism/academic dishonesty prevention over detection and punishment. Answering the questions in the problem set would ensure the following things: 1. Students understand the meaning of cheating and plagiarism and how to avoid it. 2. Students are clear about the expectations of the class. 3. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Why I Choose It As My College - 1391 Words
The University of Albany is State University, which is located in Albany, New York. This university offers many different majors and programs. The University has many sports for both men and women besides the sports there are clubs anyone from the school can join. It offers a big campus where most of its activities and events. In this Essay I will discuss information about Albany and why I choose it as my college. The University of Albany founded on1844, as a normal school. It trained teachers to increase the population of teachers. It offered a two-year education to students across the state for 50 years. In 1890 the school had to do some improving and it added a four-year education program, new curricula, new faculty, and new†¦show more content†¦The University wants everyone to be united and experience new programs and to gain experience. Experience doesn’t just come from career goals, but from the environment, someone is nurtured in. The University of Albany wants to give the students a chance to get involved with others students. The university is home to 200 clubs and organizations, 19 division 1 athletics teams which students can participate or be a part of. The clubs offered ranges from political and government, clubs to cultural or religious-affiliated organizations, as well as an on-campus radio station. The office of Campus Recreation makes sure that the students stay active and are involved. The University of Albany wants to provide the students the best and safest place to be educated. So Albany has on and off campus housing, which can be set up once the student has been fully signed up and ready to attend. On campus housing allows for students to room with others while being on the university grounds it makes it convenient for students to get to classes faster. Freshman who is joining gets set up either on the Indian Quad or State Quad. The Indian Quad is the eight buildings surrounding the tower, which provides a traditional resid ence hall environment and the State Quad is the residence halls where are all suite style housing, which consists of 1 to 3 bedrooms that share a â€Å"suite†and a bathroom. Living on campus forShow MoreRelatedSelecting The Right College : An Electronic Guide For Counselors And Students936 Words  | 4 Pages Choosing a College is an important decision for a first year college student and most students may not know which is the right school for them. The two literature review article that I have chosen is â€Å" Selecting the Right College: An Electronic Guide for Counselors and Students†by Markham B. Schack and the second one is â€Å"The Guidance Counselor’s Role in Advising College-Bound Students†by Samuel Brodbelt and the last one is â€Å"The College Search Process: Finding the Right College Match†by MichaelRead MoreShould College Be A Mandatory Educational Experience? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Case Of Integrity Staffing And Relationships Between...
Laws are an important part of our lives that can either protect us or hurt us depending on what we are trying to do and what we want. A law is system of rules that is designed to regulate actions and relationships between people. Laws are generally created for the benefit of the whole and for the right treatment of people. There are not always clear laws about every issue and when people feel like they have been treated wrong they can sue someone in a court to establish justice. Courts have jurisdiction which is power to make legal decisions. Workers at the Amazon warehouses were upset by the unpaid screening at the end of their shifts which resulted in many lawsuits against the company’s policies. Many of workers at the Amazon’s†¦show more content†¦Busk, like many other workers, felt that he was treated wrong while the company wanted to maximize production at minimum the costs. In this case Busk is the plaintiff who filed a complaint against Integrity Staffing Solutions who is the defendant. The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to a jury trial which led Busk’s 2010 claim into trial over the unpaid screenings. The case lasted a long time and in that time reached appeal court and later the Supreme Court. During this time many similar allegations occurred by Amazon warehouse workers and their cases were put on hold waiting for the decision of the Integrity Staffing Solutions v. Busk case. Similar cases against different companies will also be affected by this court decision. When Busk decided to sue Integrity Staffing Solutions he got a lawyer who was familiar with the processes and could help him navigate through all the steps. To start, there are two types of court systems: state which consists of trial courts and appellate courts and federal which holds the highest court U. S. Supreme Court. Busk’s case was big and would affect many workers so the case went to the federal court system. The appellate court has decided for the case of Busk v. Integrity to go on further and it reached the Supreme Court where the final ruling will take place. The federal court system deals with cases that involve laws,
The Not So Great Gatsby Essay Research free essay sample
The Not So Great Gatsby Essay, Research Paper The Superficial Gatsby In the novel entitled The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is at times made out to be better than us. At first glimpse he is sophisticated, utilizing large words and claiming that he is an Oxford adult male. But when we look closer we can easy see that this adult male is a travesty. Much of this adult male has been shrouded in enigma. We know really small about his yesteryear until later in the book. We don t cognize where he was born, who his parents are, or where all of his money came from. He often disappears signifier Nick s position apparently without a hint. All of these things make him out to be person of existent importance but by looking closely we can garner an copiousness of grounds to the contrary. We see that he is merely a adult male looking for the lost love of his life, Daisy. He is a adult male looking for the American dream and when he does non happen it, we see at last that he is merely like the remainder of us. The word great is slightly obscure in intending. Whether person is great or non frequently times depends on the individual judging them. My personal beliefs every bit far as illustriousness are concerned are non really complicated. When I think of person who is or was great, I think of Jackie Robinson, Louis Armstrong, and Albert Einstein. These are all people who affected the manner we live and have changed our society as a whole for the better. My parents are great ; my instructors are great, and my managers are great. All of those people have a batch of influence straight over me and they are ever altering me for the better. A genuinely great individual has to do forfeits and be really courageous. Jackie Robinson was the first black individual to come in the major conferences. To confront the sort of racism that he faced and still execute the manner he did is a effort chapeau I don t think I could make. His courage and grace under force per unit area has earned him a topographic p oint among the greats. He is a fantastic illustration of illustriousness, and there are many more like him. Not everyone has the same sort of criterion for illustriousness as I do. Another portion of being great is turning up from an destitute background. Some people, like the two childs who murdered 13 childs at Littleton High, think that Hitler was a great adult male. Some people think that Stalin and Milosevic are great. These dictators did non lift to power without support from other people. Peoples fought and died for these autocrats because ( most times ) they thought they were great. It is my belief that Daisy led Gatsby on. She turned out to be a contemptible individual who merely used to love him but lacked the strength of character to state him that. In chapter seven Daisy Tells Tom that she neer loved him but she ends up ditching Gatsby for him. She is excessively easy pushed around by Tom. If she had told him that earlier possibly he would hold listened to her and done something else with his life. He has the possible to be really great. He had the character traits of a good leader. He was really magnetic, and thought things out carefully before leaping into them. We know he could hold been a good leader because of his experience in the ground forces. If he d lived on he d have been a great adult male. A adult male like James J. Hill. He d of helped construct up the state ( 176 ) . But when he truly thought that he could acquire at Daisy, he went after her and in the procedure changed some lives but non needfully for the better. Daisy will neer bury what Gatsby did for her in taking the incrimination for Myrtle s decease. Nick found out that possibly it is impossible to accomplish that American dream. There are a batch of topographic points where Gatsby could be considered a great adult male. In chapter three we find out that he throws partie s for people he does non even know on a regular footing. He gives them nutrient and vino and something that will do their lives a little more gratifying if merely for for one dark. He besides buys a miss he does non cognize good an eventide frock to have on to his parties.He is for the most portion a really sort individual. It is a shame that he had a really fly-by-night yesteryear otherwise he might hold had a existent nice funeral with a batch of people alternatively of merely his pa, Nick, and Owl eyes. He is merely non great in my sense of the word.He touched the lives of a batch of people but non in the manner people like Einstein or Robinson changed them. Where Einstein wrote the book on modern natural philosophies and Jackie Robinson changed the manner baseball is played everlastingly, Gatsby merely does small things like throwing parties, which is a nice thing to make, but it doesn t even compare to what Einstein and Robinson did. Another portion of being great is non holding to conceal your yesteryear. There are a batch of parts of the book in which we see the bogus life he has made for himself. In chapter three when Nick is in the library with owl eyes we see that all of his books are still untrimmed. This leads me to believe that he has non truly read any of them. Besides he changed his name from Gatz to Gatsby. He buys things like his swimming pool that he neer even uses. Almost every portion of his life is a prevarication made up by him so he can take the life of Jay Gatsby. All of this lying makes him out to more of a deceitful character that a great 1. All of it is a travesty put on by him to affect a adult female that he will neer acquire. A truly great individual confronts their yesteryear, even if it is a bad one, and they come to footings with it. Jay Gatsby has non done that. He keeps his prevarication traveling to the really terminal. More than merely lying, a large portion of desiring to get marr ied Daisy was to acquire at her money. That is one of the most ugly Acts of the Apostless I can believe of. Though I do non see him as great, I do see Gatsby as a tragic character. All he wants was to acquire this miss and her money. He was in chase of the America dream and when he knew eventually that he could neer hold it, he was shot and killed by Wilson. If he had lived he might hold moved on and done something truly great with his life. Obviously Gatsby doesn T truly fall into my definition because he has non truly changed anybodys life in a manner that is similar to the illustrations supra. He has nevertheless changed lives. He changed Nick s life by being a friend and leting him to watch as Gatsby ran after the American dream. He changed Daisy s life by loving her and making the best he could to acquire her dorsum. Daisy s job is that she is pushed around a small excessively easy and merely like that she apparently forgets everything between Gatsby and herself. But being a great individual is more than merely those few things. Bing a great individual means being great and populating up to that criterion for most of your life. Most truly great people continue to run into the criterion of being great for a long clip. That is portion of what makes them so great. Jay Gatsby has turned his past life in to a fraud. Jay Gatsby who, for his ain intents, would interrupt up a matrimony. These are non traits of a genuinely g reat man.Then we come to the inquiry: Why? Why would Fitzgerald call the book The Great Gatsby? I believe it is because Nick is the storyteller and does see him as great. When I was finished reading this novel I did non come off believing non believing belly laugh that adult male was truly great. I came off thought ( among other things ) wow that rubric is non accurate because there is an copiousness of grounds to the contrary even when it is presented by a storyteller that thinks he is great. I believe that is what Fitzgerald wanted us to believe ( among other things ) .
African American Heritage In Chicago Essay Example For Students
African American Heritage In Chicago Essay A History of African American Heritage in Chicago The massive exodus to the north began in 1915; a population of people weary of pervasive hostility and constraint in their former lives, fleeing a social system comprised of miserable oppression and repeated violence. The primary cities for resettlement became New York and Chicago, metropolises humming with the vigor of big-city life and the excitement of a new beginning. When the Chicago Commission asked African American migrants in interviews on Race Relations in 1922 why they came to Chicago, responses were similar. ?Im looking for better wages.? ?I wanted to get away from the South, and to earn more money.? ?I wanted to better my living conditions. ? One man, when asked what his first impression of Chicago was, responded ?When I got here and got on the street cars and saw colored people sitting by white people all over the car I just held my breath, for I thought that any minute they would start something, then I saw nobody noticed it, and I just thought this was a real place for colored people.? And life was good; if not ideal it was better than the disparaging environment of their prior residence in the South. This migration coincided with the War. Job opportunities sprang up everywhere as demand increased for more goods and services, and suddenly in 1920 the Negro population of Chicago had soared from 44,103 in 1915 to 109,594. The Illinois Central Railroad brought hundreds on free transportation, on the premise that they would employ their company. The Negro employment rate skyrocketed; the most popular jobs lying within the iron foundries, food products manufacturing, the tanneries, and the mail order industry. The majority of blacks coming from the south settled in a limited area known as the South Side. Named the ?black belt of the city,? it was the most concentrated area of the African American population of the time. The difficulty of finding residence in the other parts of the city and the abundance of vacant houses aided in this settlement of the South Side. However, as deep-seated racial prejudice was still running rampant throughout the nation, loud protests erupted and whites quickly abandoned residential areas populated by blacks. Underlying racial hostility between blacks and whites was unfortunately gaining momentum. On July 27, 1919, this animosity was demonstrated in a terrible week of rioting beginning with the drowning of African-American youth Eugene Williams off a Lake Michigan beach. This event was a catalyst for a weeklong violent, bloody warfare. As black workers walked or rode the streetcars west and arrived to begin their shifts at the Stockyards, they were met by angry mobs of white gangs and workers, who attacked them mercilessly and drove them off. The mobs were beyond control. African American community members armed themselves and prepared to defend themselves and their homes against armed white gangs who tore into their neighborhood. The end of the week concluded in death tolls of 23 blacks and 15 whites, 157 persons being injured. The Chicago Commission on Race Relations was established soon after these staggering race riots, to study the roots and causes of the conflict. Their report on Chicago in 1992, with interviews of hundreds of black Chicago citizens, provided an insightful window into the race problem in the North, which attention was being drawn to due to the Great Migration. States the Chicago Commission on Race Relations in the document The Negro in Chicago, ?Both races need to understand that their rights and duties are mutual and equal, and that their interests in the common good are identical: that relations of amity are the only protection against race clashes; that these relations cannot be forced, but will come naturally as the leaders of each race develop within their own ranks a realization of the gravity of this problem and a vital interest in its solution, and an attitude of confidence, res pect, and friendliness toward the people of the other race. .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab , .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .postImageUrl , .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab , .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:hover , .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:visited , .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:active { border:0!important; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:active , .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ueb36d021e742a79717b693446deae6ab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parisian buses Essay? The conflicts between blacks and whites have since subsided a great amount, but residue from the memories of violence and hatred still prevails. It will be a momentous day when we can be united as one indiscriminate, unbiased race, but that day has yet to come.
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